
Reflections and meditations on faith and culture, theology and politics, ministry and life, art and science, and then some!

About Elmo Familiaran

Rev. Dr. Elmo Familiaran
Rev. Dr. Elmo Familiaran

Rev. Dr. Elmo Familiaran is a pastor, writer, and a ministry practitioner at the intersection of gospel and society. An ardent pupil of religion, politics, and culture, he is an adjunct faculty at Palmer Theological Seminary’s Doctor of Ministry in Contextual Theology program. He is ordained in the American Baptist Churches, USA, and is a 39-year veteran in pastoral ministry, ecumenical and cross-cultural engagement, and executive leadership in both national and regional denominational settings. In the final 14 years before retiring from full time ministry, he served as Area Minister and then, later, as Interim Executive Minister of the American Baptist Churches of New Jersey. A graduate of Northern Seminary (MDiv) and the New York Theological Seminary (DMin), he is the co-author of No Greater Love: Triumph and Sacrifice of American Baptist Missionaries During WW II Philippines, and the Martyrdom in Hopevale. He lives in Florence, New Jersey with his wife, Maria Fe. Together they have two adult children, and three grandchildren.

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